Wednesday 15 February 2012

Images of BlackBerry 10 OS make their way online.

We first heard about the BlackBerry 10 OS, back in November, when Research in Motion decided to rename the branding, from the existing BBX . However, besides the change in the name, there was nothing really to go by, except for the name of the first BlackBerry handset running this OS – the London. Earlier on this month, an image surfaced showing what the upcoming BlackBerry London would look like, but besides the one slide, there was no visual stimulation of how the upcoming BlackBerry 10 OS would look. This appears to have changed in a major way with CrackBerry receiving a .pdf file, which contains information and details of what the next OS will look like.

The screenshots that were attached from this file were not on the upcoming London handset, but were instead in the the current 9860 and 9810 handsets. From the images, we can gather that the handset will be built up on the PlayBook OS and will feature a user interface that is more suited for smartphones. The homescreen now features widgets giving it a slight Windows Phone Live Tile experience. With these widgets, it appears that one can bring their most used apps to the homescreen to quickly access them.

The report states,” You can see also see the updated icon tray, which features new artwork and icons that are much smarter than those of BlackBerry 7. Note that the Folder icon shows the icons of applications inside, and the Pictures icon shows a photo from the album within. The clock icon even shows the time of the next set alarm.” The icon tray at the bottom of the screen has also been updated featuring new artwork. The other additions to the BlackBerry 10 OS include a Universal Inbox which the website states, “The biggest thing to point out here are the names of the people within the email app. For example, a quick Google search for Erica Josefsson will bring you to her Linked in Profile which shows she's part of RIM's User Experience Team based out of Malmo, Sweden.”

Apart from the above mentioned features, the caller screen has also received a makeover and the most noticeable addition is the video chat icon. With this addition, one can expect the first BlackBerry 10 handset to feature a front facing camera to make video calls, which is something that is lacking on all BlackBerry handsets till date.

The first BlackBerry 10 handset is expected to launch later on this year and by then we can expect to see this new OS in all its glory.

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