Sunday 22 September 2013

CloudVault Photo Uploader: Automatically Upload Pictures To Google Drive [Android 2.1+]

Most of the popular cloud services can automatically upload any pictures that you take on your device. This list includes Dropbox, iCloud, Ubuntu One, and more. However, the Google Drive app for Android doesn’t have such functionality yet, which is a major feature that is sorely missed. Instead of having to wait until Google comes out with that functionality in their app (if at all), there’s now an Android app which can do it for you!

CloudVault Photo Uploader is a very simple Android app which fills in the camera upload functionality for Google Drive. It’s extremely easy to use and comes with features you’d expect from similar services. For example, you can choose to upload after every new photo, choose to upload past photos stored on your device, choose to suspend upload until you connect to WiFi, and more. It integrates very well with Android’s default account manager, so getting it set up is a snap.


  • Upload new and old photos to Google Drive.
  • Wait for WiFi connection to upload.
  • Easy to set up.

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