Wednesday 26 December 2012

CodecInstaller: Find & Install Missing Codecs

Codecs are a problem that every average PC user has faced on the computer. When you play a video, or music, you may, may not hear the sound, or may not get the video. If so is the case, then almost certainly a codec is missing.

It would be a hassle for users to go online and try to find the missing codecs themselves, if the computer has not already told them which codec is missing. This is exactly where CodecInstaller comes in handy.

CodecInstaller is a Windows program that detects the audio and video codecs already installed on your system, analyzes the file that is not working and determines the missing codec.

Currently, the CodecInstaller program supports the following file formats: avi, mpeg, wmv, wma, ogg, flac, mpc, mp3, mp4, wav, and more.
Just install the program onto your Windows hard-drive. Run the software. You can then select from either “Installed Codecs” to see the pre-installed codecs on your computer or “Analyze File” to find the missing codecs that you need to play the file properly.


  • Find missing codecs quickly and automatically.
  • Never install the same codec again – know which codecs you already have.
  • Supports many languages other then English.

Check out CodecInstaller @

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