Monday 5 September 2011

NASA releases web app to take you to space.

NASA's released a method for you to play around in space right from your living room. They've launched their 'Eyes on the Solar System' 3D environment, which is a web-based browser application that provides a 3D version of the solar system for you to venture in. The app uses video game technology, which lets you control what you're seeing, or your point of view, from anywhere in the solar system, it speeds up time so you can see how the planets move (rotation and revolution), you can see planetary satellites and NASA spacecraft.

You need to download the Eyes on the Solar System web app (click here for download)( You need to have downloaded the Unity Web Player for Mac and PC in order to use the app. Once that's done, you can venture out to space, flying around the sun, the planets and asteroids, controlling space and time. NASA has also created custom modules which highlight their missions, such as Juno, the probe that was launched recently and is on a five year mission to Jupiter. You can also keep track of the locations of NASA's current spacecraft with NASA's actual mission data.

“This is the first time the public has been able to see the entire solar system and our missions moving together in real time,” said Jim Green, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division at the agency’s Headquarters in Washington. “It demonstrates NASA’s continued commitment to share our science with everyone.”

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