Sunday 11 September 2011

After Ice Cream Sandwich Google’s next OS – Jelly Bean.

Google has a long standing tradition of naming updated versions of their Android operating systems after desserts. This year at the Google I/O Conference, Google announced the yet to be released firmware, Ice Cream Sandwich. The upcoming OS – Ice Cream Sandwich has yet to be numbered and most probably be version 4.0. With the release date of October for Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) arriving closer, a rumour has already surfaced that the name of the OS after ICS has been leaked. In keeping with tradition, Google is apparently naming their next OS Jelly Bean.

According to a report by ThisIsMyNext, undisclosed sources have revealed that all the ‘game-changing stuff’, which was initially supposed to be included in the Ice Cream Sandwich update has been pushed back to Jelly Bean. However, there is no word on what those big features exactly are. Another source of ThisIsMyNext backs up the other source by indicating that Jelly Bean is in the running to be the next name. Google tends to name their firmware updates in alphabetical order. With Jelly Bean being one of the few dessert names to start with a J, there is a very good chance it could be the next name.

Ice Cream Sandwich is said to be a big update in itself with it being a common platform for both Android smartphones and tablets. It is also said to be a combination of Gingerbread and Honeycomb which should make for one exciting OS. As of now, we have to just wait and watch what Ice Cream Sandwich brings to the plate. After that we can only try to imagine what major ‘game-changing stuff’ Jelly Bean will offer.

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