Tuesday 10 July 2012

Stride: Sales Tracking Made Quick & Easy – A New Take On CRM

When you are getting a business up and running, there are so many things to worry about. You need to have your employees in order, your inventory in place and all of your back-end systems up and running. That last one can be a real challenge, as you have to sift through a million options to find the programs that are right for you. Some of them can be real challenging to use, and Stride hopes to remove the clumsiness from at least one of your systems by making CRM a lot easier.

Stride is all about taking the tedium out of customer and sales management. It is built to be lightning fast and run with only the important stuff. It removes all the extra steps that are prevalent in most CRM systems and gives you only the stuff you need. It allows you to keep track of your customers every step of the way, from lead to close.

Stride also provides you with all the metrics you need, so you can keep accurate track of exactly how you are doing. It will also send you an email with progress reports once a week, so you can get a quick view of how everything is going.


  • Easy to use CRM system.
  • Takes out the extra time wasters that other CRMs have.
  • Full metrics to let you know how you are doing.
  • Weekly email report.
  • Pause a deal if it has gone cold and bring it back when you are working it again.

Find Stride @ www.strideapp.com

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