Sunday 22 July 2012

UC Browser: A Browser For Android That Supports Multi-touch & Voice Commands

While web browsers for computers have come a long way, web browsers for smartphones still leave a lot to be desired. Many browsers, for example, do not support multi-touch gestures nor do they have native support for voice commands. There is one smartphone browser however that incorporates these features into itself: “UC Browser.”

UC Browser is a wonderful smartphone application for Android devices. The app is sized at nearly 5 MB and compatible with devices running version 2.1 or later of Android. The app is basically a web browser for Android devices. With an intuitive interface, the app lets you begin browsing the internet right away. As you browse webpages on the app you can perform gestures to perform tasks in a shortcut ways; these gestures include multi-touch and make scrolling a webpage easier.

In addition to having built-in multi-touch support, UC Browser further speeds up things by having built-in support for voice commands. After enabling the voice command recognizer you can say out the site name to be taken to it.

The browser’s native RSS reader lets you catch up with your RSS feeds right within your web browser. Feed entries are neatly listed and you can tap on anyone to read more.

Lots of websites display ads along with their content. If you find such ads distracting, then you can use the browser’s auto-focus feature to automatically focus on the area you want to read, ridding you of the distracting ads.


  • A user-friendly phone app.
  • Compatible with Android devices.
  • A fast and feature-rich web browser.
  • Supports multi-touch and voice commands.

Check out UC Browser @

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