Wednesday 4 July 2012

IceFloor: Make The Mac’s Built-in Firewall So Much Better

OSX Lion comes out of the box with a nice firewall, but like everything built into operating systems, it could be better. It does a good job of protecting you, but it does not offer the level of customization that some users would like. That is where IceFloor comes in. It allows you to take the default firewall and make it so much better.

IceFloor doesn’t take up any memory because it simply uses the built-in firewall and opens it up for you to customize it. You can use the simple settings interface to customize everything from black lists, custom TCP ports and all kinds of advanced filtering. For users who are not completely satisfied with the options available on the Mac, this is a must have program.

They make it as easy to use as possible. Their intentions are to have this program be usable by everyone, and not just advanced Mac users. They even include a full PDF manual that explains how to do everything you could ever want to do with this program.


  • Take control of the OSX Lion firewall.
  • Customize everything that the firewall doesn’t let you do by default.
  • Easy to use.
  • Includes full manual to help you get started.
  • Doesn’t take up memory.

Find IceFloor @

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