Thursday 19 July 2012

Evernote for Android updated, tablet experience improved

As per an official blog post, Evernote for Android (v4.1) has now received a host of updates, especially for tablet users. The changes include a completely redesigned tablet interface, coupled with a new note view, and other improvements. The post further claims that the popular note taking application will work well on 7-inch tablets such as the Nexus 7 and the Kindle Fire. Detailing further, the post adds that the Evernote app for Android users now boasts of a new homescreen. The user needs to only tap on the screen to create a new note, or view his or her notebook, tags and place views. The update also brings in a host of swipe interactions, which Evernote believes improves navigation through the app. Users can swipe the note list to view it on full-screen mode or swipe it in the opposite direction to get back to the left panel. On the homescreen, users can also tap on Notebooks to see a notebook panel slide in.

The design of the Note list, too has undergone a change in the update. Evernote claims that it now is easier to browse and read than ever before. The update has also changed the shape of the note thumbnails, while also improving the text contrast in the titles. Another aspect of the app that has received an update is Places, The Evernote app logs the location attached to the notes. Users can tap on Places from the homescreen to view their notes as pins plotted on a map.  

Evernote for Android tablets now bears a List View. A list displays all the basic information about a note - title, tags, text snippets, attachments, and the date. The attachments icon, here reveals the number of attachments present in the note. A list view lets you see all that you need to at a single glance.  

Another feature in the update for both mobile and tablet users is 'sublists', wherein users can include more categories to their existing bulleted and numbered lists. For this, users have to create a list or tap on an existing one. Here, one can spot indentation arrows in the formatting bar, which users can tap to indent the text.

Users, while viewing a note can tap on an image to view it in slideshow mode. The update, claims Evernote, makes the slideshow view faster and more reliable.

Last month, the note taking application issued three updates, simultaneously. The first update was brought to the Evernote for Windows service, which is now in version 4.5.7. The update, Evernote added in particular, brings the Activity Stream to Evernote for Windows. This feature shows you what's going on in all your Shared Notebooks, including the ones that other Evernote users have shared with you. Whenever a change is made in one of the Shared Notebooks, a flag appears on the icon to notify you. Each item in the stream is depicted with an icon, which represents what may have happened, text describing what happened and the time that Evernote last checked for updates. Updates visible in your Activity Stream include being able to see the friends who join your Shared Notebooks, as well as new notes, edits to existing notes and deleted notes in your Shared Notebooks. The Activity Stream can be accessed by clicking on the satellite icon in the top bar.

Evernote also brought an update to Food, which the company recently brought over to Android-based devices. The first thing they did was overhaul the photo function, so when you want to add multiple photos from your camera roll into a meal, you will be presented with a multiple photo view, instead of single photo. Furthermore, when you take multiple pictures of a meal, the photos you take will load on a shelf at the bottom of the screen, while you're still in camera mode, so you can continue taking pictures. If you want to delete a picture in the shelf, you need to tap on the picture and tap on the 'x' that comes up. Another feature they've added to Food is Foursquare integration.

Finally, the third update that Evernote has introduced is Web Clippers for Chrome. Web Clippers is Evernote's way of letting you save websites you like in the notebook service. Evernote has brought Related Notes, which help you write notes on the websites you save to Evernote to Web Clippers for Chrome. So now when you clip a webpage in Web Clippers for Chrome, you will see a pop-up box with two tabs: one to show you every page you've ever clipped from that domain name and the other is Related Notes. The Related Notes tab will instantly populate your window with three notes from your account that are somehow similar to the webpage you're clipping. You can also hide the Related Notes feature by clicking on the small text at the bottom of the window.

1 comment:

  1. Finally Web Clippers is out. This Evernote's way of saving the website that we like is quite nice.

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