Thursday 14 June 2012

YouTwit: Find Trending YouTube Videos On Twitter

If you are an avid reader of tweets on Twitter and love YouTube, you must know that people usually tweet interesting videos, including the song they are listening to, funny videos, and so on.

YouTwit is an online website that allows users to find the YouTube videos that are trending on Twitter. A crafty little script that runs in the background does all of this.
When you visit the website, you can see all the YouTube videos that are currently trending, with the number of tweets below the video. You can also sort the videos by popularity during Today, 7 Days or 30 Days. Another way to organize the videos is to sort videos by Popular or Recent.

If you find a video you want to watch, just click on it, and the video will open up right there in the same tab – no need to shift tabs to YouTube or anything.


  • Find trending and interesting YouTube videos on Twitter.
  • Play YouTube videos right from the website – no need to open new tabs.
  • Sorted by popularity, for example, number of tweets.

Check out YouTwit @

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