Saturday 1 June 2013

PasswordLive: Generate Unique & Strong Passwords Without Having To Remember Them

If you want to generate a secure password online, usually it has to be a combination of numbers, lowercase/uppercase letters and some special characters. This makes it hard for many to remember their own passwords. Enter PasswordLive. It is a handy web application that lets you generate unique and very strong passwords for all your Internet needs but without you having to remember the password itself.

You simply pick a secret keyword, enter a service name it will be used for (Facebook, Skype, Amazon, etc), pick security settings (length and combination of characters) and click “Generate password”. The resulting password will always be based on that keyword and the service name (“What for” field).

Make sure to remember and keep safe the secret keyword, as it is the only piece of information you will need to recover your passwords for different online services


  • Generate unique and very strong passwords.
  • Choose combination of password security options (upper/lower case, numbers, length, special characters).
  • Only have to remember the secret keyword.
  • Free, no registration.

Check out PasswordLive @

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