Sunday 23 June 2013

Moviebeem: Drag & Drop Movie Files To Download Subtitles

Are you looking for a quick and easy way to download subtitles for a particular movie? If so, Moviebeem is an incredibly easy to use option. All you need to do is open the webpage and the folder where your movie is stored and drag and drop it on the page. It will automatically scan its massive database of subtitles and offer you links to download the ones you need.

You can choose from a lot of different languages when you drag and drop your movie into the service. You can use the drop down menu before you drop your movie and choose the language. If you prefer, you can drag the movie in without selecting a language and see all the different languages available for the movie you are adding.

Once you find the file that works, you simply click the download link, and the proper subtitles will be downloaded. I had good success and was able to find subtitles for about 80 percent of the movies I tried.


  • Incredibly easy way to find subtitles for movies.
  • Simple drag and drop interface.
  • Tons of languages available.
  • Most relatively popular movies on service.

Find Moviebeem @

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