Sunday 23 June 2013

Solvemall: A Must-Visit Site For Every Crossword Lover

Solvemall is a web application that is sure to become a favorite with people whose favorite pastime is solving crossword puzzles. Still in its beta phase, the app offers a number of categories of crosswords for people to choose from. These categories, or ‘sets’, include innovative crossword styles such as Words Cutter, Finnish Crackers, One Letter Known, Mark Twain’s Dropquotes, Picture Fill-in and Homonyms, apart from the typical crossword style where you are required to fill in the fields with the word that best describes the clue.

Once you get through with solving a particular crossword puzzle, you need to hit the ’Check My Solution’ button to know how you did.

Consequently, the site lets you know your score and even highlights your mistakes if you made any, along with providing the correct solution. You can sign up in order to save your statistics.

  • Comprises 1,236 crosswords in a total of 31 collections.
  • Has introduced some innovative and interesting ideas in crossword puzzles.
Visit Solvemall.

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