Saturday 1 June 2013

Google adds nutritional info cards for food searches

Google has announced that it has now started showing nutritional info cards for food related searches. The service is currently rolling out only in United States for English searches. There is no word about the release in other regions at this point.

“Figuring out how to make smart choices about some of our favorite foods can often be a cumbersome and daunting process. So we’re hoping we can make those choices a little bit easier: starting today you will be able to quickly and easily find extensive nutrition information for over 1,000 fruits, vegetables, meats and meals in search,” Google noted on its search blog.

According to Google, you can simply ask questions like “How much protein is in a banana?” or “How many calories are in an avocado?” to get a quick nutritional info card.  You can also tweak information in these cards to find the specific results for a given quantity and more.

These info cards will be available on the web as well as Android devices for over 1,000 of your favourite foods.

“This new nutritional information builds on our work on the Knowledge Graph, which brings together all kinds of information from across the web that wasn’t easily accessible. The graph helps us connect things that are related, even in cases when those foods have a completely different sounding name from what you asked,” Google added in the blog post.

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