Monday 26 March 2012

Instagram adds Android sign up page on website.

Instagram has teased and tormented Android users in the past with a promised app, but then they decorated their page late Saturday night to reassure Android users that they'll get their fingers on some photo sharing/editing goodness. If you go to, you'll see the familiar robot with a comforting instagram icon in its belly. The web page asks Android users to sign up to be "first in line" for Instagram on Android. So, while the app will have a global rollout for Android, if you want to know straight from the source that the app is available for your Android device, then you can add your e-mail address. They haven't mentioned a release date for the app, yet.

Instagram for Android has been announced so far at LeWeb in Paris in December and then again at SXSW in Texas in March. In December, Kevin Systrom, the CEO of Instagram said that they had two people working on Instagram for Android at that moment. In March, Systrom announced that the app was nearly ready and was in private beta testing. Systrom did some further teasing by saying that in some ways, the Android app was even better than their iOS app. He didn't provide a demo for the app, but said that it looks good on big screens, and of course, sharability to the social networks like Twitter and Facebook is built in. The app currently stands at 27 million users and we here are betting on how much that number rises to once the app comes to Android. Got guesses? Let us know in the comments below.

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