Tuesday 26 July 2011

How to Add Images and Videos in a Facebook Comment.

For a while now, Facebook has made it easy to embed links, pictures, and video into updates posted to your — or a friend’s — Facebook wall. Now, that same in-line embed feature is available when you comment on a post, too. Facebook now features the ability to embed media such as images, videos, and a summary of Web sites right into comments you post on Facebook.

To add an image, video, or summary of a Web site within a comment on Facebook, just copy and pate the URL of that media into the comment. You won’t see the preview before you publish your comment, but Facebook will automatically pull the correct embed and format it appropriately alongside the rest of your comment. Once you publish your comment, you will see the preview of the the video, image thumbnail, or summary of the Web site. You can then also choose to remove the preview of the media, and just leave the link behind.

The idea behind this new feature is likely to make creating and engaging in conversations on Facebook a more rich experience. It may also prevent users from clicking away from Facebook to view unknown media and Web sites. Instead, a summary or preview of this media can help Facebook users make informed decisions about whether they really want to navigate away from Facebook to read or watch that media, and instead may choose to keep browsing Facebook. The more time users spend on Facebook translates into more money for Facebook, so this entire scenario is ideal for both Facebook as a business and its users.

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