Saturday, 9 March 2013

Mashduo: Compare iTunes Music With A Friend [Mac]

Are you the type of person who loves pointing out new music that you think your friends may like? Maybe you just want to see if you have a bigger music collection than your friends? Whatever your reason for wanting to compare your iTunes library with a friend, we have discovered a program that makes this incredibly easy. Mashduo is the single easiest way to compare your library with a friend and fill in the gaps with the songs that are different.

All you need to compare your music is the iTunes Library Files for each of you. These XML files will allow the program to scan your libraries and find songs that are missing between the two. It will generate a handy report that tells you the differences.

Just knowing the differences is cool and all, but wouldn’t it be great if you could share all the songs your friend doesn’t have with them? Well you can. With Mashduo, you can create a ZIP file containing all the songs your friend does not have in their library so they can check them out on their own time.


  • Compare iTunes music with a friend.
  • Simple drag and drop XML file format.
  • Generates a detailed report of differences.
  • Create a ZIP file of the songs they don’t have.
  • Open source.

Find Mashduo @

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