Friday, 5 July 2013

Official MEGA app for Android arrives with 50 GB free storage

Cloud storage based MEGA service introduces official Android app and brings several features right from the first version along with 50 GB free storage.

MEGA, the secure cloud storage web service, has extended its presence to mobile platform with official Android app. The new MEGA app for Android platform offers 50 GB secure storage free to the users. The app carries native Android interface to provide access to the MEGA service for uploading, downloading and browse the files. MEGA app for Android arrives to compete directly with Dropbox, SugarSync and other similar services.

MEGA app for the Android platform features simple and native user interface for uploading files, browsing uploaded files and downloading the content. Just like Dropbox, even MEGA does Camera Sync that automatically uploads the photos and videos.

Apart from that, the MEGA app lets the users rename, move, delete files but also create folders to manage the files. The MEGA app can be downloaded from the Google Play store.

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