Monday 29 July 2013

RealtimeBoard: Easy To Use Browser-Based White Board

Do you need a place to collaborate freely? RealtimeBoard is an awesome browser-based white board that helps you and others collaborate in a very open environment. Instead of the limiting framework in Google Docs, you can use this to do almost anything.

There are tons of tools in this web app. You can use it to draw, make sticky notes, write text, upload PDF files and so much more. You can even share the stuff you create using Google Drive. What makes this app so cool is how open it is. You and the people you are working with can do so much. It makes it so you don’t have to launch a separate app for each task. The only real limits to what you can do is your imagination.

The app also has some templates that will help you get started. For example, there is a template designed to help you make a calendar. This is useful for planning your day with a team of people. Having templates helps get you started, but as I said before, the possibilities are nearly endless.

The app is in beta right now. You can request an invite and you should receive a response rather quickly.


  • Easy to use white board offers almost limitless options
  • Collaborate with others
  • Create your own designs with drawings, sticky notes, PDF files and more
  • Integrates with Google Drive
  • Use templates to get started

Find RealtimeBoard @

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