Sunday 3 March 2013

Retranstwitter: Automate Your Retweets On Twitter

As a heavy Twitter user, you may wish to use your account to retweet anything that you find important or that you want your followers to see. However, going through all those tweets yourself to look for the ones to retweet can be stressful.

You probably wish there would be a better way to do this, especially since most of the tweets you retweet all conform to simple patterns or characteristics. Retranstwitter is here to help!

Retranstwitter is a simple service which lets you preconfigure certain patterns to determine whether or not something should automatically be retweeted. To get started, just log in with your Twitter account. It is very simple to use as there are just a few things you’d need to specify.

The service works by figuring out from which account a tweet is from, and which hashtags it contains. Depending on what you choose, it’ll look for exactly what you pick out before it retweets. All you need to do is specify for each rule which users and what hashtags are necessary to trigger the retweet.

You can even choose to retweet everything from a user, or retweet everything from the people who you follow as long as it has certain hashtags in it.


  • Easy to get started with just your Twitter account.
  • Easy to configure.
  • Totally free.

Check it out @

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