Monday 4 March 2013

Google Glass coming this year, price under Rs 80,000

The wearable computer from Google is likely to be made available globally by the end of the year with a price tag of under Rs 80,000.

Google Glass, which is basically a smart glass, will be available for general public this year itself. Although it is expected to be made available towards the end of this year, it is expected to be priced very steeply at around Rs 80,000.

Google Glass looks like normal goggles but it can do things like a smartphone like taking pictures and videos. Also, if you want to send an SMS, you just need to speak the words and the Google Glass will send an SMS on what you said.

Further, you can get directions and get information on places - all these on the glasses itself like in the sci-fi movies. To do these, the Google Glass actually makes use of Augmented Reality, which is basically explaining a normal scenario with computer generated information. For instance, if you look at the Taj Mahal wearing Google Glass and ask any information about it, then the Google Glass will gather information about Taj Mahal from the web and will lay the information on your goggle's glasses.

The Google Glass is currently available (till February 27) to application developers and creative individuals for a price of around Rs 80,000 or $1,500.

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