Sunday 14 July 2013

Overblog: A Blogging Platform Focusing On Social Media Integration

There was a time when bloggers had only a handful of options when it came to choosing your blogging platform. But now there are countless such services running. For people who intend to use a lot of social media integration with their blog, the best blogging platform is Overblog.

Overblog is a free blogging platform that focuses heavily on social media integration. When you create a blog on the site you are given numerous customization options such as numerous custom themes. Social media support is extended to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Flickr; accounts from these services can be linked to your blog and new media added to your social media accounts can quickly be ported to Overblog and blogged about.

People who use multiple social media services and are looking for a suitable blogging platform will find Overblog to be ideal for their use.


  • A user-friendly web service.
  • Offers its users a blogging platform.
  • Focuses on social media integration.
  • Supports Facebook, Twitter, and other networks.

Check out Overblog @

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