Sunday 19 May 2013

iZip: Create & Extract Compressed Files On Your iPhone

While many modern smartphones let you view popular file formats, they are unable to handle the compressed archives that contain these files. For iOS device owners, fortunately, there is an app called iZip that manages compressed archives for them.

iZip is a free phone app, sized at 11 MB, and requires your iPod Touch, iPhone, or iOS device to be running iOS 4.3 or later. With this nifty application you can create and extract compressed file archives. Supported file formats include ZIP, RAR, 7Z, and ZIPX archives. Password protected and AES encrypted ZIP files are also supported.

The extracted files can be sent through email and if they are photos, they can be shared directly on your Facebook wall through iZip. Direct uploading to Dropbox is also supported.


  • A user-friendly phone app.
  • Compatible with iOS devices.
  • Lets you create and extract compressed file archives.
  • Supports ZIP, RAR, 7Z, and ZIPX archives.

Check out iZip @

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