Thursday 30 August 2012

Keentalks: Video Collection Of Talks & Lectures

If you are a fan of TED Talks or Khan Academy, you may know that there are other websites which offers engaging talks, lectures, and presentations. Keen Talks is another one that curates the knowledge of the web, touching on a broad range of topics categorized by subject area and speaker.

Keen Talks’ minimalist design is a definite plus, allowing you to search for videos speedily. The navigation is laid out nicely where you can also the view the most watched and most commented videos. You can also read the quick and witty description of each video to help capture what the talk is all about.

What’s most interesting about Keen Talks is that its collection covers from various sources, compared to TED Talks where you are only limited with TED’s material. It also goes beyond the lecture and speech format, as you can also watch the best conferences, debates, and interviews. I know you can’t get this conversation with Conan O’Brien on TED.
Keen Talks is a great resource for anyone looking for further learning and geeky entertainment.


  • Compilation of best talks, lectures, debates, and interviews
  • Minimalist, clean, design
  • Browse by subject area or speaker
  • Engage in community through comments

Check out Keentalks @

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