Tuesday 11 October 2011

Windows Phones to get dual-core, LTE support.

Microsoft’s Windows Phone seems to be raking up the momentum, and Andy Lees, Windows Phone unit boss has targeted the upcoming goals for the company in an interview with All Things D. The most notable piece of information from the interview was that dual-core processors and LTE support are soon coming to Windows Phone 7.

The only reason Microsoft had delayed LTE was due to issues with battery and power management. However, they’ve seemed to get to a solution for that and hence, future WP7 phones will definitely get LTE. That said, the WP unit boss also claimed that in plain performance, all single-core WP7 phones are at the same levels as dual-core models of other manufacturers. That may be partially true, as well with a lot of software being integrated into the WP7 OS. Lees declined to comment whether the phones will be available by the end of this year, or the next.

So, with these updates atleast, WP7 will get more or less on par with the competition on the hardware front. The software looks sleek, as well. But dual-core, LTE support are all slowly becoming the norm for high-end phones now (Apple listening?).

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