Saturday 27 April 2013

Vine Android app coming ‘soon,’ but when?

The popular iOS app Vine, which was acquired by Twitter last year, is getting ready to launch its Android version in Google Play. Vine co-founder Dom Hofmann told The Verge in an interview that Android app is coming soon, but did not give a specific time-frame.

Those of you not aware of Vine, it is a platform, which enables users to share six-seconds long video clips, similar to how Twitter enables users to share 140 character messages.

Despite becoming the most popular smartphone platform in the world, Android is still being treated as a step-child by many developers as well as by content and social firms as big as Twitter. Even after six months of acquiring Vine in October 2012, Twitter has not been able to get the Android version of Vine released till now. The micro-blogging giant also recently launched Twitter Music; the iOS app for the same is already out in iTunes app store, while the Android users continue to wait.

We hope Twitter gets its act together soon and releases the Vine Android app in Google Play along with Twitter Music app.

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