Monday 29 April 2013

Birthdays: Birthday Reminders For Friends & Celebrities [Android]

The Android Birthdays application is designed for users to keep track of birthdays for friends and celebrities. It allows you to see at a glance exactly how old someone is and when their birthday is.

Birthdays offers a variety of widget sizes for you to use. Using widgets on the home screen, Birthdays can let you keep track of several important birthdays at once. Push notifications can also be used to remind you of the important dates in advance, with you setting your preferred notification period yourself.

When the birthday comes around, Birthdays can automatically send an email, can dial the person’s phone number for you or can offer you a template to be used for a Facebook message. It’s an easy way to ensure you don’t forget to say something to acknowledge the day!


  • Widgets for the home screen.
  • Notifications of important birthdays.
  • Makes it easy to send greetings by email or initiate a phone call.
  • Messages (Facebook, email, sms)are only sent with direct users interaction to ensure the app does not send spam messages or incorrect greetings to friends and contacts. The same applies for phone calls.
  • It would be nice if you could rephrase this sentence somewhat. Maybe something along the line “Makes it easy to send greetings by email or initiate a phone call”.
  • Templates for Facebook messages.

Check out Birthdays @

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