Sunday 21 April 2013

Ocenaudio: Cross-platform, Fast & Functional Audio Editor

Ocenaudio is a cross-platform, easy to use functional audio editing software. It is suited both for lay people who need to quickly edit and analyze audio files, as well as more powerful features for advanced users. It was designed with an easy-to-use interface, providing you with intuitive audio editing and analysis tools.

No matter how many files are open, Ocenaudio always remains responsive. Time-consuming tasks (such as opening and saving audio files, or applying effects) run in the background, allowing you to work on other files. It is available for all major operating systems – Windows, Mac OS and Linux. To see all the features, download it from their website.


  • Based on Ocen Framework – a powerful library developed to simplify and standardize the development of audio manipulation and analysis applications across multiple platforms.
  • Supports Virtual Studio Technology (VST) plugins
  • Real-time preview of effects – you hear the processed signal while adjusting the controls
  • Simultaneously select different portions of an audio file and listen, edit or even apply an effect to them
  • Efficient editing of multiple and large files
  • Fully featured waveform and spectogram views of audio files
  • Freeware

Check out Ocenaudio @

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