Wednesday 19 September 2012

Trackroom: Share A Location With Friends Securely [iOS & Android]

If you are holding a party, a group hike, or on a meet-up, you would probably want to share your location with your friends. Apple already has a Find My Friends app, but what if you want a cross-platform and a more secure app that stores only your most recent location? Enter Trackroom, an iOS and Android app that does just that.

Trackroom has a great advantage in that it is one of the few apps that is useful for the top two smartphone OS’s in this category. Once you and your friends have installed the app and sent out friend invites, anyone can create a Trackroom, enter a duration, name, and description, and then invite your friends to join that room. You can then view your friends’ real time locations, arrange meeting points and communicate through the app using the chat feature.

Perhaps its best feature is its emphasis on privacy. All of your location data is deleted once your Trackroom expires or is closed. This way, you won’t have any uncertainty over leaving your location footprint online.


  • Locate your friends on a real-time map.
  • Works on both iOS and Android.
  • Secure handling of your location data.
  • Push notification for invitation.

Check out Trackroom @

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