Friday 14 September 2012

SelectTheDate: Plan Your Next Meeting Event With Ease

One of the hardest things about planning an event with large of group of people is getting everyone to agree on a time and date. Everyone has their own schedules, and it can prove challenging to get everyone to find a time they can all agree with. SelectTheDate is designed with this in mind. It allows you to create an event and invite up to 50 people. Then, each of them suggests a date and time that works for them.

You will need to register for a free account to use the website. It’s an easy sign up process, and once you go through it, you will be ready to create your event and start inviting people. When you create an event you can choose the category, give it a name, choose the location and write a description so the invitees know what to expect.

Once you have your event all set, it is time to invite people to attend. Invitations are sent via email, and once a person get’s invited they can log in and suggest a date for the event. Others can vote on whether they like the date, and in the end the event creator chooses the final date and time that most people agree with.


  • Easy to use event creation.
  • Allow potential attendees to vote on a date and time that works for them.
  • Maximize your attendance by choosing a date and time most people like.
  • Invite people via email quickly and easily.

Find SelectTheDate @

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