Friday 6 January 2012

Vodafone warns against 'misleading' ISD missed calls.

Vodafone users across the country, especially in Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Uttar Pradesh (East and West) have been complaining of receiving missed calls from dubious ISD numbers, like +22455xxxxx. What's even more worrying is that those who try to call back on these numbers are charged a whopping Rs.45 per minute, reports Telecom Talk. The report confirms that Vodafone users in Uttar Pradesh were the first ones to experience these missed calls, followed by those in Tamil Nadu and Chennai circles.

Incidentally, the report states that a couple of years back, Airtel, too had issued a similar warning to their users asking them to not respond to missed calls from numbers starting with +92. According to the report, Vodafone have assured their users that they were investigating the matter. Vodafone further quoted, "We want to assure our customers that security is our highest priority. Vodafone takes the safety and security very seriously and we have invested considerable resources to continually evolve our system and improve security."

Have you been experiencing something similar? Do let us know in the comments section below.

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