Thursday 10 November 2011

Adobe to focus on HTML5, Flash for mobile is dead.

So, it is official. The rumors of Flash’s demise have finally got the nod from Adobe just now. Company announced that it will no longer be developing Flash Player plugins for browsers to support new mobile devices and the last version will be the upcoming release of Flash Player 11.1.

In a blog post, Adobe discussed its future course of action with flash and its focus on HTML5 development. According to the company HTML5 is now universally supported on all the major mobile platforms and devices, making it the top choice as the standard for creating and broadcasting content in the web browsers.

Statement from the blog post:

Over the past two years, we’ve delivered Flash Player for mobile browsers and brought the full expressiveness of the web to many mobile devices. However, HTML5 is now universally supported on major mobile devices, in some cases exclusively. This makes HTML5 the best solution for creating and deploying content in the browser across mobile platforms. We are excited about this, and will continue our work with key players in the HTML community, including Google, Apple, Microsoft and RIM, to drive HTML5 innovation they can use to advance their mobile browsers.

Adobe also remarked that it will be focusing its energy to enable Flash developers to package native apps with Adobe AIR, another platform that company supports currently.

The current change is only limited to mobile devices, desktop browsers will still be getting Flash Player updates, but for mobile phones its HTML5 all the way.

You can read the whole blog post here.

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